OK, so given the existing holes, cuts and marks in the existing body, I decided the least intrusive and effective bracing that could be easily removed later to access the bolts would be 2"x1" pieces of oak carved to match the inner curves of the legs and carefully screwed from the outside in three spots, using some thin steel as a washer protecting the fibreglass and being sure to keep clear of any markings in case they are of any significance.
Well, it worked! He now stands securely on his own, ...except he leans a little to the right and the time he was broken, bent his shoes up a bit at the front so he looks like he is balancing on his heels ...but hey it's a start!
I also note he stands 5'9½" so either I or the sculptor have made him 1" to 1½" too tall or the history books are incorrect in recording Humphrey as 5'8" or 5'8½". ...another mystery!
I'm thinking once he settles back into the original shape he was designed to be in I'll design a new brace, a piece of wood the same shape as the holes and held in place by a tensor bandage.
If it works, it will be easier to remove and although will not be as strong, will be less intrusive to the figure.
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